Outline of Malachi

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings” (Malachi 4:2). The last book of the Old Testament comes with a stern and serious message and warning for the people who had returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon. Interestingly, it is the last messageContinue reading “Outline of Malachi”

Outline of Zechariah

“And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced”. John 19:37. This verse is found in Zechariah 12:10, a prophecy made long time ago before the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth as a Man and went to the cross. This interesting book is filled with what is called Messianic propheciesContinue reading “Outline of Zechariah”

Outline of Haggai

It is interesting that there are three prophetical books along with three historical books that deal with the time of the post-captivity of the tribe of Judah. More interesting is that these three books are at the end of their relevant sections, i.e. the last three historical books, and the last three prophetical books. TheContinue reading “Outline of Haggai”

Outline of Habakkuk

“The just shall live by his faith” (Hab 2:4). The name Habakkuk means “embrace”, or “hug”. The prophet comforts his people and takes them into his arms and hugs them. The verse quoted above has three places in the New Testament, which we will explore shortly, but the message is that the just lives byContinue reading “Outline of Habakkuk”

Outline of Nahum

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” These words are from Nahum 1:15 but the verse is quoted in Romans 10:15 when Paul wrote about the nation of Israel. There is very little known about Nahum, although he was an Elkoshite (chapterContinue reading “Outline of Nahum”

Outline of Micah

“Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage?” Micah 7:18. The name Micah means “who is like God?” It is fitting that one with that name quotes the above verse in his prophecy. What is the prophecy of Micah about, and whoContinue reading “Outline of Micah”

Outline of Joel

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25. This is a verse that we often quote as Christians when we get astray from the Lord and backslide, we do not experience anyContinue reading “Outline of Joel”

Outline of Hosea

“Out of Egypt have I called my son” – Matthew 2:15. This amazing well-known verse at the start of the gospels in the New Testament, is in fact, in the book of Hosea (chapter 11:1). Here God is speaking about the nation of Israel as He brought them out of bondage in Egypt and espousedContinue reading “Outline of Hosea”

Outline of Ezekiel

The book of Ezekiel is a very interesting book among the prophetical books section in our Bible. Ezekiel was from a priestly family, so he was, in fact, a priest (chapter 1:3). Both Ezekiel and Jeremiah had similar ministries and both books present some prophetical types and point to Israel’s future restoration.

Outline of Jeremiah

Having set before us the book of Isaiah as the beginning of the prophetical books, we come to this interesting book. There are different opinions as to the authorship of Jeremiah, some say that it was Jeremiah himself, and others are of the view that Baruch wrote the book of Jeremiah. The book begins withContinue reading “Outline of Jeremiah”