Luke 15

The wonderful chapter of Luke 15 brings before us the work of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in bringing the lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many who read this chapter think that it is three parables, but in reality, it is only one parable, but in three sections, or parts, or settings.

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Outline of the book of Esther

It is very interesting that there are two books in the Bible bearing the names of women. The first is the book of Ruth, and the second is the book of Esther. Ruth was a gentile (Moabite) woman who went with Naomi to Bethlehem, and Esther was a Jewish woman who grew up in Babylon, after the period of the captivity of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Both books are very rich in teachings and lessons, and are very different from each other, but in each of these books we see God’s hand in bringing to pass His will and deliverance.

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Outline of Nehemiah

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are closely linked and connected with each other. Both books have genealogies of people who returned from the captivity of Babylon to Jerusalem and rebuild the city that was destroyed. Both Ezra and Nehemiah are post-captivity books with the focus of Jews who returned back to Jerusalem at the decree of Cyrus, the king of Persia.

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Outline of 1 and 2 Chronicles

Have you ever started reading the books of Chronicles, and once you read chapter 1 and 2, just skipped the rest because of genealogies and seemingly repetitions from the books of Kings? I certainly have, and would not blame you if you also did the same. However, there are rich things in the books of Chronicles that we can learn from and if we see Christ in these pages, we will receive great blessing upon reading these books. The Chronicles were the last in the Hebrew Old Testament, forming the last section of the writings.

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Outline of 1 and 2 Samuel

The books of Samuel are quite interesting and provide insights in relation to the people of Israel settling into the land of Canaan. This was after the incidents in the book of Judges and the end of Judges portraying the moral decline of the nation of Israel. The books of Samuel present more moral decline, and can be likened to the beginning of the dark days of the nation of Israel. 1 Samuel 3:1-3 can signify that the word of God was rare and the light had not yet completely gone out. There was a great plan for Samuel, who was the last judge of Israel.

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Outline of 1 and 2 Kings

The books of Kings present to us the dark days of Israel as a kingdom. The books of Kings originally formed one book only in the Hebrew Bible. The author’s name is not mentioned, but according to Jewish tradition in the Talmud, the author is Jeremiah. However, it is interesting that his name is not mentioned in the descriptions of the lives of the last kings to reign in Judah.

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Outline of the book of Ruth

Two books in the Bible bear the names of women. The first is the book of Ruth, and the second is the book of Esther. Ruth was a Moabitess, a gentile woman who had no place with the people of God. In fact, Moab was the enemy of God’s people Israel. Esther, on the other hand, was a Jew who grew up in Babylon after the captivity period of the tribe of Judah, and she hid her identity as a Jew because she was the Queen, the wife of a gentile king, Ahasuerus. These two women are completely different in their nationality, religion, knowledge of God, and so on, but God in His grace and mercy worked deliverance and blessing for the two women and those around them.

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Outline of Ezra

The book of Ezra is known as a post-captivity book in the Historical Books section of the Bible. After the events in the books of Samuel, Kings and the records of the Chronicles, God decided to send judgement to the people of Israel for continuing to disobey Him and His Word. The nation was at the lowest point, even rejecting and attempting to kill the prophets that God sent to the nation.

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Outline of Judges

This is an attempt to provide a summary of the book of Judges. This book is about Israel reaching the land and resting from their enemies, so it picks up from the book of Joshua. However, this book describes Israel’s failures, the judges that God sends, and the restoration of the nation when they repent.

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Outline of Joshua

The book of Joshua is the first book in the Historical Books section of the Bible. After Deuteronomy, the children of Israel were prepared to cross over the other side of the river Jordan and enter into the promised land. Joshua himself is a type of the risen Christ leading the people to victory after battling in warfare.

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